ADDED 12-5

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

One week in Thailand

During my three months in South East Asia, I spent a total of nearly a month in Thailand. During one week up North, in Chiang Mai, I was extremely productive - from a touristy standpoint anyway. I became a Master Chef (that's what my certificate says anyway!), I studied the art of Thai Massage and can now put someone through a very painful 2 hour massage, and I went on an overnight jungle trek where I became a mahout. OK, that last part is a little exaggeration, I learned how to ride an elephant, and got to pet a baby elephant so that counts for something. 

All these experiences cost me a total of just over $100. The massage course was 5 days long and included lunch everyday, the cooking class was 1 day and I got to eat all six dishes I prepared (which actually tasted amazing), got a cookbook, and DVD showing how to carve food things like in the picture below. The trek was a two day hike that included all meals, an elephant ride, and an overnight stay in a village hut. Now, if you can do all this for so cheap, why would anyone NOT want to stay there? Good question. I love Thailand! The food is delicious, the people are friendly, and everything is cheap - even when it is expensive. And when people say they can't "afford" to travel, often it is just the plane ticket that costs a lot. You probably spend more staying at home! I certainly have! So book a flight and go to Thailand, you won't regret it! :D

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