ADDED 12-5

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

New Years Resolutions

We have now entered 2011 and many people have gone through the annual ritual of making their New Year's resolutions.It might be catchy to have a short (let's say three: odd numbers are good luck after all!) list in a combination like, "More, More, Less." More working out, More saving, and Less time spent on Facebook perhaps?  It is easy to say, but More and Less are hard to measure unless you quantify them. The problem is that when we quantify a goal, we are more bound to it, and it is easier to say we "failed" if we don't hit the mark. When we use a wishy washy" More" or "Less", then there is more flexibility for us to play with.

For me, New Years is a fine time to reflect and goal-set, but it shouldn't be the only time. Just like Thanksgiving shouldn't be the only time we express thanks for what we have, we should constantly be goal-setting and reflecting. The New Year's ritual simply serves as a reminder for us to keep working on it. My current term resolutions or goals are as follows:

More blogging: writing has always been a struggle for me, but I like it when I do it. It's kind of like working out, you know it's good for you, yet it is easy to put off, and keep putting off. You can put in a partial effort, just to get it done, but you feel really amazing if you go for the hour long Bootcamp class and make it through! I pledge to write at least four blog posts a month.

More personal contact: I have many interactions on a daily basis, yet once the people are gone, then it is easy to fall out of contact. There are also many people back home that deserve more attention than they currently get. My goal is to write personal emails to at least 15 people per month. This may not sound like a lot in the connected world we live in, but I mean actual emails or messages - Facebook wall posts don't count and reply's don't count. Couple that with my limited internet connectivity and I'm happy with that goal.

More learning: Finally, simply as a function of my travels I am learning a tremendous amount about new cultures and histories. Unfortunately, I don't always take the time to visit museums or read more on the country. I vow to now either watch a movie, or read a book about each country that I visit. Lonely Planet doesn't count. For Cambodia, it will either be the Killing Fields, or Pol Pot's Regime.

That is my short list of goals for now, once it become habitual, I will move on to the next set of goals. You all can help keep me honest on at least one of those resolutions, and call me out when I fall short - after all, what are friends for if not to push you along when you need it! What are your resolutions??

Happy New year (they are still saying it here in Cambodia so I feel safe saying it as well), I hope everyone many solid resolutions and happy travels in this new year!
New Years in Bangkok


  1. I used to have a resolution to lose weight every year, but that is a huge struggle, and am always disappointed when i don't do so. So the last three years my resolution is to do 20 things i have never done before. For instance i am traveling to the east coast in the winter for the first time. It might be trivial, but new life experiences are what its all about, obviously you know that. I added a new resolution this year, i am going to do 10 things that i would not normally do.

    I love reading your blog and finding out what you are experiencing Jorge, so keep up the writing and have fun.

    A Mutal

  2. I'm ready for your next installment Her Blogmeister. :) I have resolved to enroll in at least one dance class and an exercise class per week. So far, I'm in the dance class. Yoga is tomorrow. Along with that, I have to resolve to leave work at quitting time instead of working late. Third, I'm going to eat more nuts. Yum. Mom

  3. Hey Jorge,

    Just catching up on your blogs and thought I would say hi and that I am waiting for my email. 15 people a month x 2 months =30 people. I hope I am one of the first 30 people you think of :) Guilt Trip Guilt Trip blah blah blah. Be safe and enjoy your travels.
