ADDED 12-5

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Thanksgiving: for a good fortune [cookie] and sales

In the very beginning of this year, I was out to lunch with some coworkers, and I got got the following fortune in my cardboard tasting cookie:

Most of the time, I would have a laugh at the generic words of the fortune and leave it there on the plate or stuff it in my pocket to be thrown away when I emptied my pants for the night. This time however, I put it in my wallet. I had plans brewing in my mind that I had mentioned in passing to some people, but hadn't really set the wheels in motion. A couple of weeks ago, I was searching the depths of my wallet and stumbled upon this piece of paper. Rediscovering this simple, generic fortune brought a big smile to my face. It was a reminder of the plan that I had made, the steps that I took, and the reality was created.

As I sit here and reflect on this fine Thanksgiving day, half-way around the world, I must give thanks to all my friends and family who supported my decision to leave the traditional life, abandoning stability and surety, and trading it for uncertainty and ambiguity. I thank you, for it has been a wonderful journey thus far. I am also grateful that my family is supportive and understanding even though I am absent on these family holidays while I galavant around the globe.

Finally a message for all my happy readers: As I write this post, I am sitting on floor cushions in a restaurant on the Gulf of Aqaba in the beach town of Dahab, Egypt having a warm hibiscus tea. From where I sit I can look across the gulf and see Saudi Arabia, while lazily smoking apple shisha (or grape, or lemon or mint or...) sipping on tea (or a cold beer), and listening to the waves crash lightly on the rocks. This place is a diver's and backpackers paradise, so on a day I want to be active, I can snorkel, dive, or windsurf. A day snorkel trip to the Blue Hole, known as one of the most dangerous and amazing dive spots in the world, costs about $12 including gear rental and transportation. Hotels can be found anywhere from $7  to $30 a night depending on how much luxury/privacy you want. Many people would love a lifestyle like this, and say they wish they could [afford to] do it. The same people will likely go out tomorrow during the Black Friday sales (I love sales!) and spend more upgrading from their 46in Plasma to a 52inch LED than I have spent on an entire two months of travel. I am by no means passing judgment - God knows it's awesome to watch Sunday morning football on a huge HDTV (or the travel channel!) - just a 'call to thought'. Think twice before saying I "can't afford it" because I was saying the same thing before I left, and now I realize how wrong I was; I could have left long before I did!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone, may you spend it feasting, shopping (possibly for a trip!) and laughing away with family. I myself will be in search of a meal worthy of Thanksgiving tonight. Be thankful today and everyday - Cheers!


  1. That's spectacular bud, great thought indeed. Enjoyed reading your post this Dia de Accion de Gracias, and hope you have a good one yourself. Have a mint smoke and a tea on me!! (send you the fiddy cents later) All the best!

  2. People ask me the same thing all the time, how I afford to travel so much... I simply reply that everyone can travel, it is just the choices you make with how you spend your money... I rather drive an old car and see the world, then have some new wheels in the garage... cheers!
